Below is a list of the campus policies & guidelines that all event coordinators and participants are required to follow.

All events on campus should also follow the Time, Place and Manner of Free Expression Policy.

Room reservation requests should fall within the scheduled building open hours that can be found on the Facilities Management Website. All University facilities are locked on campus holidays (gold days on the Campus Green and Gold Calendar) and during campus closures, such as the day/weekend after Thanksgiving or in the case of an unforeseen emergency.  Activities and events are generally not permitted to be scheduled on holidays or campus closed days, regardless of personal access credentials. Most University spaces are unlocked during normal business hours. Some buildings/spaces have extended hours and weekend availability, but others are locked during this time.

When requests are made in 25Live for use of closed/locked space, the following criteria apply:

  1. Use of locked space will be allowed without further review if the request does not require campus services (such as custodial, lock/key, dining, Conference & Event Services (CES) setup, etc), and the requester is an “Internal University User” (see section II A above) and already issued access credentials to the space (keycards, keys, etc)

  2. In all other cases, use of locked space wilI require a special exception, as outlined below.

A request for exception for facility use outside of building open hours as outlined in case 2 above, must be approved by the division administrator and VP of Administrative Affairs prior to a reservation request being approved. If the event is approved, the department will be responsible for reimbursing all direct costs for service labor, including holiday or overtime pay, and services incurred as a result of the event occurring when buildings are not open.

Building Hours

NEW Campus Locking Plan

Event Exception Form